You don’t need any tools except for the heat sink mounting and possibly for mounting the control box, but here is a list of things needed to make this kit work.
Small socket sets in the 6mm-12mm range can help with installation.
Pry tools for trims can help, although not necessary.
An additional mounting plate has been included to make installation easier! The heat sink bolts onto the plate and the plate is fitted onto the back of the TCM screws.
1. Remove glove box, this is done by opening then pulling the bottom away, then removing the glove box on an angle out of the cavity.
2. Remove the KEY from the car, do not have it inside the car (Especially if its push button start)
3. Remove the KEY airbag receiver insert plastic surround near the glove box – (approx size of 1/3 of A4 paper) and let it dangle (its on the left of the glovebox) It’s just in the way, it’s used for airbags with front kid seats.
4. Now you can see the TCM with 3 cables, un clip the bottom cable loom from TCM and insert the supplied LOOM connections into the TCM bottom connector and TCM loom for the same connector.
5. Remove the top connector of TCM and insert the ADAPTER into the TCM and TCM loom (It has a shielded twin core black wire wire section) Next, carefully connect the top connector of the ADAPTER to the TCM. Make sure the connection is secure and the wires are properly aligned. For detailed instructions on the proper configuration and installation of the TCM and ADAPTER, refer to the cantcu configuration guide provided with the equipment. Following the guide will ensure proper function and optimal performance of the TCM and ADAPTER in your system.
6. Ensure everything clicks in and there is no LOOSE WIRES or connectors! (Photo below to show you orientation) In addition to checking for loose wires and connectors, it is important to double-check the orientation of all components before finalizing the installation. This will help ensure that everything clicks in properly and functions as intended. For example, in the new generation Ford Ranger, making sure the orientation of key components such as the engine, transmission, and suspension is correct can prevent future issues and help maintain the vehicle’s performance.
7. Run the loom to the right side of glove box area behind the plastic supports of glove box.
8. Plug the Boostec box into its 24 pin Minifit connector, it can be mounted onto the provided plate, to do this, assemble the heat sink onto the plate, the control box onto the plate,
undo the 2 TCM screws and push the plate as assembled into the cavity. Then you can do up the 2 screws for the TCM and everything fits in perfectly.
9. Previous versions needed the heat sink to be mounted in this location (Now redundant, only for reference on older kits)
10. Run the green plug wire to the TRANSMISSION GEAR SELECTOR AREA. Pop up the gear selector surrounds using anything that won’t damage the plastics, we found this can be lifted with fingers if you’re careful. A pry tool can be used to help. (It literally pops up from the rearward edge)
If you have a MUX with heated seats, your only option is to run the RECTANGULAR type switch to where the driver’s knee is. If you don’t have ANY available switch holes, you may need to activate the switch and hide it behind the dash. Its typically not accessed once its in the vehicle and tested.
11. Push out a blank for the button and run the cable thru the bottom of the blank hole to poke out to the gear selector area.
12. Fit the button (one way) and insert it into the hole. Push closed all the plastics and the button should sit flush.
13. Cable tie any cables you wish out of the way and re-fit all plastics around the GLOVE BOX area. Now you can start the car…
14. Everything should work as stock, no errors should be on dash. If you have errors, check your install with car OFF.
15. Push the transmission lock up kit button in and go for a drive!
How to use:
The push button arms the kit for automatic operation. Usually you never take it out of the on position. It will lock at 77 and unlock at 74, you don’t have to do anything in this setting, it’s done for you automatically.
(The following will not work with 4jj1 models prior to 2020)
Expert mode: To use the artificial lock up without limits at lower speeds, hold down the cruise-cancel button for 1 sec while driving. To deactivate, tap the cancel button again. There is some safety built into the system, but please be aware that if you shift into lower gears while this active, you will get a nasty clunk. It’s purpose is to use during off road single gear use to prevent over heating of the gearbox or to use engine braking while towing under 75 kmh. It was a heavily requested feature that’s not for everyone.
To use manual gear cruise control: Setup your cruise as per normal driving. Then select manual with gear stick, cruise disables! Now tap the RES button on the steering to activate manual cruise, tap RES again to return to standard. The vehicle will function normally while in manual cruise, but you will notice the gear indication display has changed. The only reason you will want to goto standard is to have normal gear indication.
Clear limp mode/codes: An added feature was a clear code function like what a scan tool has. It’s an added feature with no specific purpose unless a strange event occurs with a tuning module or a damaged sensor etc (unrelated to the kit) To clear codes: repeatedly hit the cruise distance button 5 times within 5 seconds.
Low range tall gear select: When off road and in low range, you’ll notice only 1st, 2nd, 3rd are normally selectable. If you hit the cruise RES button, you’ll be allowed to select the taller gears aswell.