$1,990$2,168 inc. GST

Boostec ProXtreme Diesel ECU – Mercedes

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Boostec ProXtreme Diesel ECU - Mercedes

Introducing our BoosTec ProXtreme line-up: The Ultimate Electronic Control Unit for your automotive freedom!

Are you ready to take control of your vehicle like never before? Say goodbye to limitations and embrace a new era of automotive customisation with the Boostec ProXtreme, the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that revolutionises the way you interact with your vehicle using analogue, digital and CANBUS communications. The product offers engineering level customisation without the pricetag usually associated with such control.

Just remember, this is no piggy-back either! We make it easy to plug-and-play into your original vehicle's loom (Where applicable) and provide you with a base setup file to get you started. Some of our distributors have their own files for their packages. Please contact them direct for further information on their customised packages.

Worried about immobilisation? We have multiple methods to additionally immobilise your engine using our ECU! If you can think of it, we have probably implemented it or can implement your method.

Seamless Software Integration:

When you choose BoosTec for your vehicle, you receive a comprehensive software package which is not limited to a purchase level. A full engineering capable software backend is available for every ECU. Forget about hidden licensing costs – our commitment to transparency means you have everything you need to get started right out of the box. If you're looking for specific strategy and need assistance in develping it, we do offer solutions at an hourly rate, if its simple enough, we won't even charge for this service!

Our support team is available on most days of the year for your custom project.

Endless Possibilities:

There are no limits to what you can achieve with BoosTec. From your trusty Hilux to the rugged Land Cruiser, BoosTec is your bridge to uncharted territory. Every sensor is hooked up, and all systems communicate seamlessly, ensuring your vehicle operates at peak performance. We are always develping new solutions, if you have a suggestion - We would love to hear from you!

Simplicity in the modern world:

We provide you all the tools to get you started in running your project! Wether its a direct plug-in ECU and loom or a base file for your setup. Some of our solutions even have revised maps available, so if you know what hardware you've fitted, we will most likely have a software file to get you out with your wheels turning with a near perfect tune!

If you ever move on or upgrade to a different vehicle, be sure to check if we have a solution for you already! You might be able to swap your ECU over to your newer vehicle and get it running in no time!

Unleash Your Creativity:

Develop your own strategy; there are no limitations to your imagination. Want to run twin VNT turbo's on a typically single turbo vehicle? There's no reason this can't be done! Have fun with creativity! Odd combinations of transmissions and engines, even re-vamping engines with modern technology is completely do-able! You've obviously heard of our systems running common rail on 2 stroke diesels? Well if you haven't, now you have.

Real-Time Customisation:

While other performance changes may take time and involve a startup process of 15 minutes or more to change just simple parameters, BoosTec allows you to make changes on the fly. You can modify everything that makes your engine run, all from a laptop in your car while you drive. No more waiting! And once you're done, just unplug your laptop and everything is saved!


Logging is an automatic process, 8GB of internal memory will save your runs for endless hours in either 0.05 (20 times a second for all data) or 0.001 (1000 times a second for selected data) time frames. Where wideband sensors are logged, you can automatically modify tables to hit your targets.

Canbus capable:

If you have a scan tool, you can talk to BoosTec controllers. Even if you don't see your listed sensor, you can add it and it will show up on your scantool!

BoosTec ProXtreme product details:

Live adjustments
-No need to stop to reflash! Watch the changes instantly.
8 injector outputs
1 Injector power/ground feed (32amp burst power, 21amp continuous)
-Polarity configurable (Will be supplied to your application choice)
8 switch type outputs
- 0-12v capable.
7 PWM waveform outputs
- Software configurable
1 Analog signal output 0-5V
- Suitable for signal repeating
14 0-5V inputs
- Analogue signal
10 Digital / waveform inputs
- Including crank and cam
1 Dedicated EGT input
- Can be re-purposed
1 On-board barometric
- For automatic adjustment for atmospheric conditions
8 GB logging
- Either 0.05 sec frames for all variables, or 0.001 for selected high speed logging
2 Can pair inputs/outputs
- 1Mbps, 500k, 250k, LIN capable
1 Analog signal output 0-5V
12 Month limited product warranty (No chattel warranty)

Typical engines with base maps and Plug'n'play wiring:

Don't see yours listed? Either submit an enquiry or login to your dealer portal to commence production.

Engines with base maps and wiring information currently available:

Mercedes Benz OM611 (220CDI), OM612 (270CDI), OM613 (320CDI) plug and play wiring
Mercedes Benz OM628 4.0 V8
Mercedes Benz OM646 (220CDI), OM647 (270CDI), OM648 (320CDI)
Toyota 1KD-FTV 3.0 4 cylinder
SsangYong D27DT (OM665) 2.7 found in Rexton and Kyron.
BMW M57 solenoid injector engines
Mitsubishi 3.2 DiD

Wiring information only (Prototype):
Ford ranger / Amarok II

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm




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